Thursday, June 20, 2013


So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him. 1 Samuel 50

My husband Nick and I were having a conversation about some things and it basically boiled down to bullies. I have to say that I am so completely and utterly SICK of bullies that I cannot stand it! I've dealt with these people since I was just a "fat" girl who was mooed at while walking down the hall in the seventh grade all the way into my current adulthood in the workplace and such. It's really just a sad situation that someone would be so completely unhappy with themselves that they would find comfort in making others feel bad. Bad is such and understatement. Unworthy, belittled, ugly, poor, fat, too thin, self conscious, inadequate. These are better words for the ways the bullies in my life made me feel. 

It seems that bullies are at their worst when you are at your best. When you are content with your life, or even happy. When you get a promotion or recognition. That's when bullies sink their nasty teeth into you heart and mind and twist things around to make you question yourself. The bullies in my adolescence even pushed me to the point of considering not wanting to live anymore. I wish that my adult self could have been there to tell me that my mother was right, that these people were just so miserable that it gave them some kind of sick pleasure to see me so sad. Thank God that I came out of that dark place and learned how to be happy with me no matter what my critiques may say!

Let's make a alliance, all those that have been bullied or are even being bullied right now. Let's decide to stop giving our power away to these Goliaths in our lives. Those people who can't turn their attention to their glass house that is shattering behind them. Let's stop allowing them the pleasure of making us feel badly! Let's unit and let our lights shine even when they try to turn them off. David did it with Goliath, he put on his armor of faith and trust in God and killed that giant with one little stone!

For all the bullies or would be bullies out there reading this right now. Please do yourself a favor and remember that one little stone slung from the sling of a small boy with awesome faith put that giant to his knees. Someday if you don't spend some time fixing yourself and stop hiding the pain, a tiny stone will bring you to your knees as well. And those that you bullied may be the only ones who can help you, where will you be then?

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