Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Growing Weary

Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all. Galatians 6:9-10

This week I've really been struggling with all the "stuff" I have to do! It's been really weighing heavily on my shoulders. I've been getting discouraged and feeling like I just can't do it.

Then I read a post from a friend of mine talking about how the enemy tricks us into self doubt and into doubting what we know God wants for us. That post really hit home with me! It's so true, it seems like every time that I get focused on the course the Lord has set for my life, I start to doubt the path. I want to take a detour or the scenic route but that's what the enemy wants me to choose. See if I get off course then it's easier for other things in my life to turn away from God. The thing is though that life isn't really easier for me. I worry more, enjoy less, and carry the guilt of knowing deep in my soul that I'm not on the straight path.

My difficulty with the sowing of the seeds is the waiting for them to be ready to harvest! I'm great at a lot of things but waiting patiently isn't one of them! You can ask my mother, I've never been the girl who sits around waiting for things to happen to her. I'm on the front lines making things happen. That makes this "in due season" concept really hard for me! At this what I'll call "growing" season of my life, I feel confident that God is trying to teach me to be a more patient child. So far, I don't think I'm doing too well at it. It seems like there are so many things that I can see ahead that just can't happen right now. They are going to require me to sow and tend my garden diligently and I don't have a green thumb! I do much better with flowers in vases! I'm working hard though and I truly feel that at the end of this season of growing there will be a harvest. It will be the harvest that God has helped me sow and I'm anxious to see what He has in store for me.

I'm sure there are lots of you out there that can share my feelings on this verse and I hope that my perspective is helpful in someway. Thanks for reading and God Bless!

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